CS 247 · Fall 2015
This class will deepen your fluency with design prototyping and critique for interactive technology. To do this, you'll learn techniques for rapidly brainstorming and prototyping multiple interface alternatives — and why rapid prototyping is essential to excellent interaction design. You'll learn to communicate your ideas visually. You'll deepen your experiences with needfinding and continuous feedback. And you will do all this in a design studio environment, learning to critique and be critiqued with industry leaders who hold years of experience.
Week | Monday | Wednesday | Assignments |
1 |
September 21Sketching Needfinding Observation Optional reading: Understanding Comics, Ch. 1-3 |
September 23Needfinding Synthesis P1.I critique |
Due Monday, 9/21, 11:59pm PDTSign up for class Due Wednesday, 9/23, 1:30pm PDTDue Monday, 9/28, 1:30pm PDT |
2 |
September 28Visual design |
September 30Interactive design Optional tech training: Sketch 3 |
Due Wednesday, 9/30, 1:30pm PDTDue Monday, 10/5, 1:30pm PDT |
3 |
October 5Front-end design engineering Optional tech training: HTML / CSS Crash Course |
October 7Front-end design engineering |
Due Wednesday, 10/14, 1:30pm PDT |
4 |
October 12Urban Computing |
October 14What Is Critique P3 Critique |
Project 3 launch, due during dead weekSuggested deadline Monday, 10/19 |
5 |
October 19Brainstorming |
October 21Prototyping I |
Suggested deadline Monday, 10/26 |
6 |
October 26Protoyping II |
October 28Design Sprint |
Suggested deadline Monday, 11/2 |
7 |
November 2Studio Workshops |
November 4Social Computing |
Suggested deadline Monday, 11/19 |
8 |
November 9Guest Lecture: Scott Snibbe |
November 11Guest Lecture: Bret Victor and Glen Chiacchieri |
9 |
November 16Data Visualization |
November 18Ubiquitous Computing |
Suggested deadline Monday, 11/30Hard Deadline Thursday 10 am, 12/3 |
10 |
November 30Presenting Design Work |
December 2Digital Art December 3, 6-9pmFinal Presentations (d.school Studio 1) |
Hard Deadline Monday, 12/7 at 11:59 pm |